Informations générales
- Adresse de connexion à créer :
- Nom du festival (Ex : Papillons de nuit)
- Nom de l'évènement (Ex : L'effet Papillon)
- Dates du festival >> Jours/Mois/Année
- Edition du festival (Ex : 20ème édition)
- Ville du festival
- Carte (map) de l'évènement : Lien google maps
- Fiches artistes, techniciens, journalistes, bénévoles, etc...
- One of the best ratings on the market - 98%
- Our team is very qualified and we are still growing
- We helped many companies
- We helped many companies
- We helped many companies
- We helped many companies
Récaps, feuilles de route, fiches artistes et badges bénévoles…
- We have over 15 years experience in the industry
- One of the best ratings on the market - 98%
- Our team is very qualified and we are still growing
- We helped many companies
- We helped many companies
- We helped many companies
- We helped many companies